In 1937, Inderjit Handa was born in a village in Punjab. After a long, far-flung, fulfilling, healthy & loving life his soul departed in 2023.

Thank You & Goodbye.

Inderjit Handa was born in the village of Mandiala Tega in Punjab in 1937. He led a long, bold, fulfilling and loving life. On January 26, 2023, three days before his 86th birthday, Inderjit died peacefully in the night, in Auroville, India. His soul left his body to continue onward on its journey.

Traditional last rites were held by his wife Erna, daughter Tanja & son Alex.  They were joined by an intimate circle of family, friends and colleagues in a beautiful ceremony in Auroville and his ashes were brought to the Ganges at Haridwar.

His death was sudden and unexpected - we all were so sure he would live to be 100! And yet it is of great consolation to know that he was truly happy and at peace, enjoying this life to its fullest, spending time with family in his beloved homeland. 

Inderjit was known fondly by many as “Mister Handa”, first as a teacher at Canterbury High School, then as proprietor of Ottawa’s first health food store & café, Handa Natural Foods, and finally, as most people know him, the owner of Handa Travel. 

During the 50+ years he spent in his adopted home in Ottawa, Inderjit touched innumerable lives with his charismatic personality and will be dearly missed by all who were graced by his kind-hearted, indomitable and generous spirit. 

Our warmest gratitude goes out to all of you who loved and supported Inderjit in his lifetime, personally and in business and for your heartfelt outpouring of reminiscences and condolences.

A Life Celebration for friends, family and colleagues will be held in Ottawa on Friday, June 16th, 2023. Further details will be shared here. We also welcome you to share your photos and memories to remember and celebrate Mister Handa’s life here.