
Every once in a while you meet someone radically different than the rest. My father was one of those people. He was fully of energy and kindness. Rather than talk about work he wanted to talk about your family or health. More likely than coming to a business meeting to make a deal he would come to share fruit & chai and good conversation.

He was a refugee at age 9 but it didn’t leave him bitter, he believed in the goodness of others. He taught in tough schools enjoying the challenge in finding the skills and goodness in his students. He started a health food store in the 70’s when no one knew what vitamins were. He ran a successful travel business through countless recessions and upheavals by retaining and treating his staff as family.

All fathers are very special. Mine was also my hero, mentor and then business partner. He was there to support and encourage me at every difficult time. He is not here today to help me through this. But his wisdom and spirit will be with me forever.

So the time has come to say Thank You & Goodbye to my father, Inderjit Handa, a true legend. He died peacefully last month.

Inderjit Handa 1937-2023

The initial news of my father's death was a shock. It was hard to believe that it was real. He was so healthy and full of energy that it didn't seem possible. It was hard to accept because he was so happy in recent years and had great plans with family, business and friends right in front of him. One of his favourite sayings was 'Man makes plans but god decides'. And so it was.

I wish that he was still here, that he had a few more years, that we all had a chance to say goodbye. But I can now see beauty in his death and understand that this was the right time for his soul to move on. He had found love and peace in this life. He lived a long, successful and healthy life. One could not ask for more. And while he didn't stay long enough to say goodbye, we will now always remember him the way he always was; full of life and positive energy until the very last breath.

It feels strange to say that his death was beautiful. But, it was fit for a saint and just the way he would have dreamt of. In India, in a peaceful setting, with intimate family and colleagues and following the traditions of his ancestors.

Thank You & Goodbye. Om shanti

- Alex Handa, Son

“Inder loved to put aside the burdens of work and take me out to enjoy an Indian meal. He was always keen to impress on me the delight of vegetarian dishes. Very early in our friendship he told me stories of his own family’s exit from what is now Pakistan. I was a younger man then, and I clearly remember asking him about the anger and resentment that he must have retained from those times. He looked at me almost in puzzlement and told me no, that in fact the family was greatly assisted in their escape by kind friends and neighbours from the the religious faith or faiths I had assumed would have been hostile or worse. He told me simply “Most people are very good”. It was an early lesson in tolerance and understanding for me, and I have often thought back to that conversation to remind myself that life is always more enjoyable when one is prepared to assume the best of human nature. 

— Phil Hunt, Lawyer & Friend

“I would like to express my sincerest sympathies on the passing of your father and my friend.

I am deeply saddened by the news and will miss my chats with this extraordinary person.  He was not only a pioneer in the travel industry, he was a truly knowledgeable and compassionate person.

Inder was aways so proud of his heritage, both Indian and the countries along the way. I am comforted to know he was in his favorite place (he told me so often that I needed to join him for a yoga/ayurveda retreat there)

 He had a deep love of his family and always spoke to me highly of all your successes.  He also took the time to know me and my family.   I know this loss extends way beyond family, but also to the entire organisation that Inder and you have built.  I am sure you are all struggling.

While these words are mine personally, know that I am expressing sympathies on behalf of all the Air Canada team.”

— Karen Acs, Air Canada & Friend